XAT Exam Centers 2019: With the release of XAT 2019 Notification, XLRI Jamshedpur will also release a list of exam centers. This year, the management exam is scheduled for January 6 in a total of 46 cities, spread across 22 states.
- The last date to fill in the application form (with late fee) is now December 9 (extended) Register Now
- With this, candidates canalso modify their exam city preference till December 9. Know more
- Candidates can choose any 3 test centres at the time of registration.
- The final allotted exam center is mentioned on XAT Admit Card, available from December 20.
- In case of any queries/ questions regarding XAT Test Center, contact the authorities at xat2019@xlri.ac.in or +91 657 665 3203.
Note: TISSNET Admit Card Releasing from December 26, exam on January 19, 2019. Know more!
XAT Exam Centers in India (Location)
The list of official exam centers with their codes will be available shortly. Till then, the following map indicates the probable cities for this year’s XAT session.
- There are 46 cities in India where XAT 2019 will be conducted.
- Candidates must be clear on the fact that the list given below is based on last year’s test cities.
- This year, there may be some changes in the number of cities and examination centres. This is solely on the discretion of XLRI and the list of cities can be changed or updated at any time.
- Candidates are thus advised to check XAT Official Website i.e. xatonline.in and keep themselves updated on the same.
List of XAT Exam Centers 2019
XAT Exam Centers | |||
Ahmedabad | Dehradun | Kanpur | Rourkela |
Allahabad | Delhi | Kolkata | Sambalpur |
Amritsar | Goa | Lucknow | Surat |
Bengaluru | Greater Noida | Mangalore | Tiruchirapalli |
Berhampur | Gurgaon | Mumbai | Trivandrum |
Bhopal | Guwahati | Nagpur | Udaipur |
Bhubaneshwar | Hyderabad | Nasik | Vadodara |
Chandigarh | Indore | Noida | Varanasi |
Chennai | Jabalpur | Patna | Vijayawada |
Cochin | Jaipur | Pune | Visakhapatnam |
Coimbatore | Jammu | Raipur | — |
Cuttack | Jamshedpur | Ranchi | — |
How to Change Exam City Preference?
- Applicants who choose the wrong city or want to change the same can mail at admis@xlri.ac.in.
- Students must mention their XAT ID, Father’s Name, DOB, Chosen City and the New Preferred city in the mail.
- A candidate can apply for the change only once.
- Change of XAT Test City option is provisional and XLRI will have the final decision on it.
How to Choose XAT Exam Center?
Candidates will have the opportunity to choose their preferred XAT test city. For choosing the test center, they will have to create a profile on XAT official website and register themselves. The steps to choose their preferred test center are given below:
- Candidates will have to first create a profile on the official XAT website i.e. xatonline.in
- They will then have to log into their profile with the registered email id and password
- Go to link to fill up the application form online
- Select their preferred text center very carefully in XAT Application Form
- Choose more than one test center in order of their preference. XLRI will try their best to allot the first preferred test center to all candidates but there may be circumstances where they have to allot another test center to the candidate.
Note: Candidates must note that they will not be allowed to change their preferred text center under any circumstance. Hence, they must select it very carefully and not make any mistakes in this case.
Instructions for XAT Test Center 2019
Candidates seeking admission through XAT must keep the below-mentioned points in mind and follow them as closely as possible:
- Choose your XAT Exam Center carefully. Any request to change it will not be encouraged by XLRI.
- The final test center will be mentioned on the admit card. Do visit XAT Exam Center once before the actual exam date. Check all XAT Exam Dates
- Do not forget to carry your admit card to the exam hall. It is like your entry ticket.
- The centres will be allotted on the basis of the preferences made by the candidates on the application form. XLRI will try their best to allot the first preferred test center to all candidates but there may be circumstances where they have to allot another test center to the candidate. This will solely be on the discretion of XLRI.
- Examinees must not bring the prohibited items as mentioned on the admit card to the exam hall.
- Along with XAT Admit Card, also carry a valid photo if proof for the purpose of verification.
- Candidates will not be permitted to go outside the exam hall during the conduct of XAT exam.
CheckXAT Exam Pattern
XAT 2019 Admit Card
- XAT 2019 Admit Card is expected to release on December 20, 2018.
- Candidates can download their admit card form xatonline.in.
- Details such as Registration Number and DOB and Password will be required to obtain XAT Admit Card.
- The Admit Card for XAT is a mandatory document to be presented at the exam centres. It must be supported by a valid photo id issued by the Government of India.
- Candidates must check and verify all the details mentioned in XAT Admit Card.
- Any error, mismatch or discrepancies should be immediately reported to the concerned authority.
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XAT Exam Centers FAQs
Ques. What will happen if we forget to bring the admit card to the XAT exam center?
Ans. Any student who doesn’t bring the admit card to the exam center, will not be allowed to take the exam.
Ques. Which documents are we supposed to bring to the XAT exam center?
Ans.On the exam day, a hard copy of admit card along with an original valid ID proof will have to be presented at the XAT exam centers. Without these, entry to the examination hall will not be permitted. No other documents are allowed inside the exam center.
Ques. In how many cities, XAT exam would be conducted?
Ans. XAT exam would take place in 46 cities in India.
Ques. How many test preference can we provide while registering for XAT 2019?
Ans. At the time of XAT Registration, a candidate can provide 3 choices of exam centers.
Ques. In how many sessions, XAT exam will be held?
Ans. XAT exam will be held only in single schedule i.e. from 10 am to 13:30 pm.